Performance musicale et anxiété (en ligne)
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Sur la base de son expérience personnelle et des recherches de sa thèse de doctorat sur l’anxiété liée à la performance musicale à l’Université de Toronto, le Dr Daniel Ramjattan offrira une présentation qui utilise des stratégies scientifiques pour nous aider à gérer nos émotions sur scène et à surmonter notre nervosité pour réaliser notre potentiel. sur scène. Il s’appuiera sur des traitements et des stratégies issus de la psychologie et de la pédagogie de la guitare. Étant donné que presque tous les musiciens ont le trac tout au long de leur vie, cette présentation sera pertinente pour les guitaristes et musiciens de tous âges, niveaux de compétence et horizons. Les enseignants trouveront cela particulièrement pertinent.
Biographie (Anglais seulement) :
Daniel Ramjattan has become an ambassador for the classical guitar in Canada, having premiered dozens of chamber and solo works for guitar. He has given recitals in Vienna, Austria, Italy, and various locations across Canada, the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, and Japan, and has received an array of top prizes in provincial and national solo guitar competitions. He has performed in festivals such as Koerner’s 21C Festival, INNERChamber, Chamberfest, the Livorno Music Festival, Italy, and many more.
His debut studio album, « Inspirations: New Works for Solo Guitar, » features his interpretation of six brilliant works by Canadian composers, including three world premiere recordings, available for streaming on all major platforms. CBC Radio’s Paolo Pietropaolo featured the album as the Record of the Week in March 2022, and WholeNote Magazine described his playing as « beautifully clean. »
He recently received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the University of Toronto in August 2022, where he wrote his dissertation on music performance anxiety in classical guitarists, and received a senior doctoral fellowship from New College in 2021-2022. He often shares insights from his research with his guitar students and performance coaching clients and has given lectures on the topic at McGill University, the University of Toronto, Wilfrid Laurier University, Mount Royal University, and more. CBC television’s the National has also interviewed him as an expert on music performance anxiety. In 2020, he joined Wilfrid Laurier University’s Faculty of Music as a classical guitar instructor, and this year he will teach a new Music Performance Anxiety course he designed for the faculty of music.
Daniel’s past teachers have included Dr. Jeffrey McFadden, Patrick Roux, Bruce Holzman, and Lorenzo Micheli, and he has performed in masterclasses for world- class artists such as Sergio Assad, Jorge Caballero, Judicael Perroy, Fabio Zanon, and many others. He has taken first prize at competitions such as the Ottawa- Gatineau guitar competition and OMFA Provincial Guitar Competition open level in 2014 and 2016. He also placed second in the FCMF National Guitar Competition in 2016, and placed as a finalist in the Montreal and Hamilton International Guitar Competitions.